Successes in Russian politics of the XIX century are significant thanks to the efforts of diplomats Alexei Borisovich Lobanov-Rostovsky and Nikolai Pavlovich Ignatieff. In studies of the XX century, they are almost forgotten. Ignatieff is an experienced tactician, a supreme professional who owns a military affair. He had diplomatic cunning. Sometimes Ignatieff showed adventurism. Basically, these qualities provided him good luck in the diplomatic field. However, Ignatieff was not enough historical knowledge. It was in diplomatic negotiations during the Russian-Turkish war of 1878-1879 that this lacuna prevented his success. He insisted on the idea of pan-Slavism, not taking into account all international factors. The diplomat did not take into account the historical features of the Ottoman Empire, Europe’s interest in its power and influence, that is, the historical totality of the international system of counterweights. Lobanov-Rostovsky - strategist. And it was inherent evasiveness, skillful ability to convince of the correctness. However, the role of historical education in his diplomatic practice was enormous. In a more deliberate line of conduct at the conclusion of the final Treaty of Constantinople, he was helped by fundamental «background knowledge» that allowed him to adequately assess the geopolitical situation. The Prince was engaged in history from an early age. The hobby grew into professional occupations. For 16 years he published historical essays in leading historical journals. He had access to secret documents of the Russian Empire thanks to the trust of Emperor Alexander II. Lobanov used to work with primary sources. History has taught him that sometimes you need to act quickly, and in some situations, to exercise the greatest caution. In the situation of the Russian-Turkish war, he set himself only specific goals. If the San Stefano peace Treaty of 1878, signed by count Ignatieff, is well known, then the final Treaty of Constantinople, signed by Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, is still very little mentioned. Meanwhile, after the Treaty of San Stefano, there were events that undermined its positive results. A “Berlin treatise of the great powers” in 1878 deprived Russia of a significant part of the acquisitions that it has achieved under the Treaty of San Stefano. Here Lobanov faced important General and specific tasks. To solve them, the new Ambassador had to have absolutely unique characteristics. In addition to the enormously developed ability Lobanov to build relationships with people: personal goodwill and the confidence of Alexander II; the respect in the higher Turkish circles; the location to him of the Sultan, who himself appealed to the Emperor with a request to appoint Ambassador Lobanov. The totality of personality traits and circumstances led to a convincing success, which was the final Treaty of Constantinople in 1879, which resulted in an independent state-the Autonomous Principality of Bulgaria.
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