Metrological maintenance of measuring instruments is aimed at ensuring the uniformity of measurements. It allows you to achieve the required accuracy of the measured physical quantities, determine corrections to the readings of measuring instruments and estimate the error. With the development of scientific and technological progress, the achievement of accuracy is ensured by more advanced and simple methods. Remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales examines the current issues of the application of remote calibration methods in the field of measurements in transport. The analysis of the advantages of remote calibration in comparison with traditional metrological services emphasizes economic efficiency and reduces time costs. The article describes the measurement process using remote control methods, the use of which will allow the introduction of remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales in the railway industry. Purpose: to describe the possibility of remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales. Methods: conducting an experiment of remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales using the global Internet and special software, a weighing program and communication programs. Results: the possibility of remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales was determined, the necessary programs for operation were described, advantages and disadvantages were presented. Practical importance: the possibility of introducing remote calibration of dynamic wagon scales has been determined, which will reduce personnel time and financial costs for metrological maintenance and periodic calibration.
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