Let G be a real reductive algebraic group with two involutive automorphisms (involutions) σ and τ (σ = τ 2 = id.). Put H = G and L = G where G = {x ∈ G | ρx = x} for an automorphism ρ of G. If G is connected and one of the following three conditions is satisfied, then the structure of the double coset decomposition H\G/L is studied. (a) G is compact and στ = τσ. (b) σ or τ is a Cartan involution. (c) σ = τ . In (b), we may assume that στ = τσ ([1], [9]). If (a) or (b) is satisfied, then we can choose representatives of H\G/L in a maximal connected abelian subgroup A contained in {g ∈ G | σ(g) = τ(g) = g−1} ([4], [5], [9]). Consider the case (c). By the map φ(g) = gσ(g)−1, the double coset decomposition H\G/H is identified with the decomposition of φ(G) into H-cojugacy classes. It is easy to see that the set φ(G) is closed under the Jordan decomposition. (Let x = xsxu be the Jordan decomposition of x ∈ φ(G). Then xs, xu ∈ φ(G). c.f. [14]) The structure of semisimple elements in φ(G) is studied in [14] by generalizing the notion of Cartan subgroups. Let q be the subspace of the Lie algebra g of G defined by q = {X ∈ g | σX = −X}. Then the exponential map gives a bijection between the nilpotent H-conjugacy classes in q and the unipotent H-conjugacy classes in φ(G). Nilpotent H-conjugacy classes in q (and their singularities, closure relations etc.) are studied in several papers ([7],[12],[13],[11],[16] and [17]). Especially, suppose that G = G1 × G1 and σ(x, y) = (y, x) for x, y ∈ G1. Then H = G = {(x, x) | x ∈ G1}. Since G/H is identified with G1 by the map (x, y)H 7→ xy−1, the double coset decomposition H\G/H is identified with the decomposition of G1 into conjugacy classes.