The increasing prevalence of degenerative joint diseases, in particular osteoarthritis, has driven the quest for chondrocyte precursor cells and biomaterials suitable for autologous cartilage repair (ACR). As an alternative to mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) generated in situ from the subchondral bone, the differentiation and expansion of autologous MSCs in the presence of pro-chondrogenic factors such as BMP-2 and/or TGF beta holds great promise as a therapeutic approach. However, a typical feature of these chondrogenesis systems, including MSCs derived from umbilical cord blood (1) and the stromal model used in the current report (2) is differentiation towards hypertrophy marked by the production of collagen X. To quote Hardingham et al., (3) “chondrocyte hypertrophy and ECM calcification would be an undesirable characteristic of any cartilage repair tissue.” Central to the study by De la Fuente et al., (4) is the claim that umbilical cord MSCs are “similar to chondrocytes and expressed proteins characteristic of the cartilage extracellular matrix”. Apart from the immunohistochemistry for collagen II published previously (2), there is scant evidence to support this claim, as none of the proteomic data provides specific evidence for biosynthesis of a cartilaginous matrix. The cartilage ECM contains a plethora of well-known proteoglycans, non- collagenous proteins and glycoproteins. None of the typical cartilage ECM components, including aggrecan, link protein and the matrilins are found in this study and neither are the sensitive markers for the chondrocyte differentiation status such as cartilage oligomeric matrix protein and collagen IX (5). The authors instead report a collection of proteins (PLOD2, PDI, GRP78, PPIA and HSP90) that are involved in protein biosynthesis and post- translational modification and are found in a diverse range of tissues, if not ubiquitous. The claim that these proteins are involved in “cartilage extracellular matrix metabolism” is misleading, as none of these proteins are cartilage-specific. A second set of differentially- abundant proteins (CALU, CALR3, VIM, PDIA3, ZYX and ANXA5 in Table III), was provided as evidence of chondrogenic differentiation: “Results demonstrate that MSCs cultured in chondrogenic media become chondrocyte- like, as the cells express proteins observed in differentiated chondrocytes or in cartilage”. Again, these proteins are expressed in bone cells (eg osteoblasts), fibroblasts etc, and so their altered expression reveals nothing about the differentiation of the MSCs into “chondrocyte-like” cells. None are chondrocyte-specific. Finally, these results are drawn together in a protein network diagram summarizing the relationships between the proteins based on “linked bibliographic information”. It is difficult to extract any biological significance from this figure without all the citations on which these connections are based, but many of the connections are tenuous and some are contradictory. For example, the intermediate filament protein vimentin, linked to “extracellular matrix proteins” and “cartilage”, is down regulated in the current report. However this contradicts the findings of Bobick et al., (6) showing a positive role for vimentin in chondrogenesis. The field of autogolous cartilage repair has been plagued by the well documented phenotypic instability of chondrocytes: de-differentiation towards fibroblastic cells and/or the uncontrolled hypertrophy and matrix calcification analogous to differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes. The holy grail of ACR is the suppression these processes (marked by expression of collagen I and collagen X, respectively) during the expansion of phenotypically stable MSC precursors. Given the critical role of the ECM in cartilage function, proteomics is a promising method for determining the optimal source of MSCs, as the matrix proteins accumulated at the time of sampling may not be reflected by their respective mRNA levels. I anticipate that further studies using proteomics to compare engineered constructs and authentic cartilage will lead to a greater understanding of MSC-based chondrogenesis and improved materials for tissue engineering.
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