This paper analyzes the effects of propeller flow on the linear coupled longitudinal and lateral dynamics of a 150 mm wingspan fixed wing micro air vehicle (MAV). The effects propeller flow on the lift, drag, pitching moment and side force is obtained through wind tunnel tests. The aerodynamic forces and moments are modeled as a function of angle of attack, sideslip angle, control surface deflection and propeller rotation per minute. The nonlinear six degrees of freedom model is linearized about straight and constant altitude flight conditions for different trim airspeed to obtain linear coupled longitudinal and lateral state space model. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors of linear coupled longitudinal and lateral state space model are compared with and without propeller flow effects. The variation in the natural frequencies and damping ratios of short period mode, phugoid mode and Dutch roll mode are analyzed for various trim airspeed. An increase in the natural frequency is observed for phugoid mode and Dutch roll mode with propeller effects. The stability of the spiral mode is enhanced by the propeller flow and also the response of the roll subsidence mode is faster with propeller effects. Detailed analysis of eigenvalues and eigenvectors shows the importance of incorporating propeller flow in analyzing the dynamics of the MAV.
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