The field of manufacturing and production is rapidly changing because of the fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 and bridging theory and practice is a major requirement in industrial control and automation training, operations and virtual simulation is one such way to help bridge this kind of gap. One of such simulation program that has gained popularity among companies recently is Factory inputs and outputs (Factory I/O). This paper presents an example of a used case study of FACTORY I/O. The tank scene in the Factory I/O was used for level control and the control algorithm was implemented in the TIA portal using Siemens S7 1500 PLC integrated with the factory I/O to carry out the control of the liquid level in the tank by controlling the fill valve on the level control rig. The S7-PLCSIM TIA portal V15 communicated with the PLC in the Factory I/O drivers through an IP address. Therefore, with virtual simulation system, it is possible to test controller and control configuration before applying it to a physical system, with a methodology matching the fourth industrial revolution in a simulation environment in which theory and practice is bridged for real-time simulations.
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