The article proposes a model of the data flow control subsystem of MANET class mobile radio control system to evaluate the effectiveness of the model, which will be built based on the developed methods and techniques (corresponding units). The essence of the model is to apply appropriate methods of DFCS control, which interact with each other and other functional subsystems within the operation of the subsystem units and their interaction, based on the target function. To ensure effective control of a mobile radio network in conditions of frequent changes of the situation (operational, tactical, communication, etc.) is possible only if there is a nodal control system capable of making control decisions in conditions of uncertainty. In addition, provision of the ability of mobile radio networks to self-organization, as well as adaptation of its nodes to different operating conditions requires the presence of a training subsystem as part of the node control system. To ensure effective control of a mobile radio network in conditions of frequent changes of the situation (operational, tactical, communication, etc.) is possible only if there is a nodal control system capable of making control decisions in conditions of uncertainty. In addition, provision of the ability of mobile radio networks to self-organization, as well as adaptation of its nodes to different operating conditions requires the presence of a training subsystem as part of the node control system. Considering the peculiarities of the functioning of MANET class radio networks, the article proposes to intellectualize the control processes by using knowledge processing technologies in the construction of a node control system. Based on the integrated use of fuzzy logic and neural networks, the probabilities of violations are considered, which, depending on the parameters of the state of the nodes, allow selecting the required value of the violation of the state of the network. Unlike existing models that are used in computer or fixed networks that do not require resource-intensive structure, in this model it is proposed to develop the structure of the DFCS to the requirements and features of usage in the mobile radio network. The application of the model will allow: to simplify and improve the structure of the construction of the data flow control subsystem; to process incomplete, inaccurate, unpredictable, different in its physical content data; to reduce the time of making a control decision. The further directions of research will be the development of the method of connectivity of the elements of the data flow control subsystem of the mobile radio network control system.
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