Aim. To identify the key problems of the formation of the Integral world economic order in the context of mastering the achievements of the sixth technological order and regulating global security.Tasks. To identify the theoretical status of the Integral world economic order, the prospects for Russia to enter its rhythm of development and its inherent architectonics of global security.Methods. Based on the calculated data of economic statistics, their theoretical understanding, a conceptual apparatus for studying the relationship between technological and world economic processes with the monitoring of global risks has been formed.Results. The main characteristics of states corresponding to the Integral world economic order have been identified. An assessment of the dynamics of its development and the strategy of advanced development has been given. The need to include in the new scientific and technological picture of the world the ideas about the fundamental belonging of any complex systems of functions and structures that ensure not only their self-development, stability and reliability, but also ideas about the security of their existence, development and functioning has been substantiated.Conclusions. The system of global and Eurasian security should be considered as an integral part of the international architecture of the Integral WES and its basis. Global — because it involves the creation of mechanisms that prevent the widespread spread of the “octopus” of hybrid war, and Eurasian — because the core of the Integral WES is being formed in the space of Greater Eurasia, or more precisely, in its eastern part. The Integral WES should be considered not only as a prototype of the polycentric world order, which was discussed above, but also as the created architectonics of its global security. In the new scientific and technological picture of the world, ideas are being formed about the fundamental belonging of any complexly organized systems of functions and structures that ensure not only their self-development, stability and reliability, but also ideas about the security of their existence, development and functioning. Thus, we inevitably approach the need to develop asfatronics as a theory of global security. The object of asfatronics is safety, defined in the ultimate sense as the absence of danger, unacceptable risk, and the subject is energy-information processes of safety, covering all levels of organization of biological, social and technical control systems (from nano- to macrolevel). The field of research of asfatronics is ecological, military, geopolitical, technogenic, economic, social, information-psychological, cognitive and other types of safety. Global safety should be considered not limited to environmental issues and international relations. It covers the whole variety of functions and structures of self-development, sustainability, reliability, safety of existence of bio-, socio-, cogno- and technosphere. In the context of the problems considered above, the structural sections of asfatronics should be global safety, ensuring the prevention of geopolitical, ecological, economic, social and technological risks arising in the process of formation of the Integral world economic structure based on nano-, bio-, info-, cogno- and social technologies.
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