Here p is the fluid density, Pe = ep is the density of the free electric charge of the fluid, e is a constant, u i are the contravariant components of the imaginary dimensionless velocity vector of the individual points of the fluid, Fij = 3iAj -3jA. are the electromagnetic field tensor components, 3i = 3/Oxi is the s)nnbol of! the derivative with respect to the variables x i (i = I, 2, 3, 4) of the observed Cartesian coordinate system in a pseudo-Euclidean space of events with the metric tensor gij (g~ = g22 = gaa = _ g44 = i, gij = 0 for i # j), d/dr = cui3 i is the symbol of the derivative with respect to the intrinsic time, c is the velocity of light in a vacuum, S is the entropy, A m = Am(p, S) is a given function, KzJ = vpz] are the antisymmetric tensor components of the internal mechanical moment of the fluid, which are proportional to the volume density tensor components pij of the internal electromagnetic moment, v is a constant (the gyromagnetic ratio). The quantities p, u ~, ~lj in (i) are connected by the relationships (p is a constant)