
Assuming that the elastic displacement of a material particle is expressible by the displacement from θei to Θj in general curvilinear coordinate system or that from xei to Xi in Cartesian coordinate system, the contravariant component of the elastic strain tensor will be defined byeij=1/2(∂Θi/∂xeα∂Θj/∂xeα-∂Θi/∂Xβ∂Θj/∂Xβ) (1)The contravariant component of the actual strain rate tensor will be given byfij=1/2(Vi/j+Vj/i) (2)where Vi represents the contravariant component of velocity vector and Vi/j denotes the contravariant differentiation of Vi by Θj.We assume that the stress tensor τ is a function of both the elastic strain tensor e and the actual strain rate tensor f, and may be expressible as a polynomial in e and f. If the material is isotropic in its rest state, this relation must be invariant to the transformation of the coordinate system. Then, considering the symmetric property of τ, the relation will be written as follows:τ=(-P+a0)1+α1e+α2f+α3e2+α4f2+α5(ef+fe)+α6(e2f+fe2)+α7(ef2+f2e)+α8(e2f2+f2e2) (3)where P is the hydrostatic pressure, 1 is the metric tensor and α0, α1, …… α8 are polynomials of ten invariants such as tre, tre2, tre3, trf, trf2, trf3, tref, tre2f, tref2 and tre2f2. Considering that the principal axes of e are equivalent to those of τ but not to f, Eq. (3) will be reduced toτ=(-p+α0)1+α1e (4)This equation assures the coincidence of the principal axes of τ with those of e in every case, but in some cases it may happen that the principal axes of the other term of Eq. (3) become equal to those of τ. In simple shearing flow, such term is α7(ef2+f2e). Then, Eq. (3) will beτ=(-p+α0)1+α1e+α7(ef2+f2e) (5)which may be expressed in terms of the contravariant components of tensors as follows:τij=(-P+α0)Gij+α1eij+α7(eiαfβαfβj+fiαfβ;αeβj) (6)The applications of our theory to simple shearing flow and steady flow through pipe have been made with satisfactory results; especially it has been shown that two normal stresses in the direction perpendicular to the stream are equivalent to each other.

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