Preeclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy‐specific multifactorial disorder characterized by hypertension and proteinuria after the 20th week of gestation. The placenta plays an important role in the origin of PE. It has been shown that RhoA proteins are involved in the development of hypertension and vasoconstriction due to contribute to the etiology of the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. These GTPases act as molecular switches interacting with effector molecules to generate cellular responses. The effector molecules of RhoA, such as ROCK, PKN and Dia, are important regulators for actin‐myosin interaction in vascular smooth muscle cells which are implicated in hypertension. Because of its importance and little background of RhoA protein and its effector molecules in placentas with PE, we determined its location in situ and activation status of RhoA, as well as their expression levels of effector molecules in cotyledon, umbilical artery and vein in placentas with PE. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the location of RhoA in umbilical artery and vein in pregnancies with PE is mainly in the inner layer whereas in cotyledon is in blood vessels. By pull‐down assay we observed an increase in the activation status of RhoA in all samples with PE. The expression level of effector molecules was increased in PE (Dia1, PKN and ROCK2 in the umbilical artery; PKN in umbilical vein, ROCK2 in cotyledon and ROCK1 was only detected in the cotyledon). The increase in activation of RhoA in umbilical artery and vein, suggests a possible participation of this proteins in pathological processes that generate vascular contraction in blood vessels during hypertension associated with PE. Besides effector molecules Dia1, PKN and ROCK2, ROCK1 may have an important role in the etiology of the syndrome. Acknowledgements: The authors appreciate the partial economic support from the grants of: CIC‐UMSNH (2.16 to ASM; 2.37 to SMA); CONACYT (169093 to ASM); EGOH is CONACYT fellow.
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