The article is devoted to the analysis of individual problems of legal regulation of the state defense order in the Russian Federation. The object of the proposed study is the real social relations arising from the conclusion and termination of the state defense contract. The subject of this study is the norms of law that ensure the effectiveness of legal regulation of relations arising from the state defense contract. The resolution of the identified problems should become one of the priority tasks facing the domestic legislator in the course of improving this institution of law. In the course of the research, both general scientific methods of cognition (philosophy, logic) and comparative legal methods were used, allowing to carry out legal concepts and conduct their comparative analysis. The relevance and novelty lies in the fact that the issues of external security and, moreover, the defense of the Russian Federation in the last 30 years have been, as we can conclude now, not the most relevant – neither for the legislator (who has not yet formed a legal regime of wartime in criminal, administrative, or civil legislation), neither in the Russian civil law, which, although it paid some attention to the newly created public procurement system in 2014, has not yet dealt separately and specifically with the issues of the defense procurement system. It is concluded that, on the one hand, the Russian legal system for a long time completely lacked the model of relations of the state defense order in wartime, on the other hand, the Soviet civil–legal constructions used to mobilize industry, agriculture and transport during the Great Patriotic War were completely forgotten (due to their "planned" nature).
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