The legacy for the present Western Thoracic Surgical Association began in the mid-1960s in Oakland, California. A group of thoracic surgeons from the East Bay and San Francisco began conducting monthly meetings in the Alameda Contra Costa County Medical Society offices to train residents in the delivery of scientific papers. The group, originated by Dr Kenneth Hardy, was known as the Bay Area Thoracic Surgical Society. Dr Hardy was subsequently killed in an accident and the meetings were suspended. In 1973, the records and bank account of the society, totaling $500, were turned over to Dr David Dugan, and a meeting of the members was organized to determine the future of the society. These members met at Samuel Merritt Hospital in Oakland on November 27, 1973. A decision was made to continue the society and to include chest surgeons from all of Northern California. The name of the society was changed to the Northern California Thoracic Surgical Society and officers were elected: Dr David Dugan, president; Dr Arthur Thomas, secretary/treasurer; and Dr Buford Burch of Martinez, California, recorder. Dr Thomas was given the assignment of writing the by-laws and constitution for the society. On December 11, 1973, the executive committee, consisting of Drs Dugan, Thomas, and Burch, met again at Samuel Merritt Hospital. At this meeting a decision was made to change the name of the society to The Samson Thoracic Surgical Society, this decision being made unilaterally and without the knowledge or permission of Dr Paul Samson. A decision was also made to extend membership to thoracic surgeons throughout all of California, and an inaugural dinner of the society was organized. Invitations were sent to 98 thoracic surgeons in California on new stationery bearing the red and white Chief, Division of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgery, LDS Hospital, Salt Lake City, Utah; Clinical Professor of Surgery, University of Utah, College of Medicine. Read at the Twenty-fifth Annual Meeting of The Western Thoracic Surgical Association, Olympic Valley (Lake Tahoe), Calif, June 23-26, 1999. Received for publication June 29, 1999; accepted for publication July 13, 1999. Address for reprints: Kent W. Jones, MD, 324 Tenth Ave, No. 160, Salt Lake City, UT 84103. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2000;119:203-9 Copyright © 2000 by Mosby, Inc. 0022-5223/2000 $12.00 + 0 12/6/101412
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