Since probable large errors were suggested in 1985 in the equal-loudness level contours by Robinson and Dadson [Br. J. Appl. Phys. 7, 166–181 (1956)], which were standardized as ISO 226, a considerable amount of data on the equal-loudness relation has been accumulated. Most of the data consistently show a large discrepancy up to more than 20 phons from the contours, especially below 1 kHz. To obtain reliable contours from these new data sporadically given for some specific frequencies and phons, a model function representing the equal-loudness relation was derived from a loudness function modified by the two-stage loudness perception model. Values of the parameters of the model function were obtained by fitting the function to the experimental data. Equal-loudness level contours could be drawn by use of the model function with the parameter values interpolated along the frequency axis. The resultant equal-loudness level contours showed clear differences from those by Robinson and Dadson for all loudness levels over the whole frequency range, particularly in the frequency range lower than 1 kHz. In contrast, the contours rather resemble those given by Fletcher and Munson in 1933 and by Churcher and King in 1937 in the midfrequency range at relatively low loudness levels. [Work supported by NEDO.]
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