Vertical-incidence seismic reflection profiles generated from global phases for 16 earthquakes recorded by stations of the Transportable Array (TA) show distinctive patterns of P-wave reflectivity in the uppermost mantle beneath the central and eastern United States. The overall distribution of reflections identified objectively using the sign test statistic applied to bootstrapped stacks is consistent with a westward increase in depth of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) from roughly 110 to 250 km that is marked within the lower lithosphere by piecewise continuous segments of elevated horizontal P-wave reflectivity. For some profiles, the onsets of zones of increased reflectivity closely match depths corresponding to the maximum negative S-wave velocity gradients found by surface-wave tomography, suggesting that P-wave reflectivity can be used to help characterize properties of the lower lithosphere. We suggest that the vertical change in horizontal reflectivity straddles the lithosphere-asthenosphere transition, encompassing a broad zone of layering caused by increased strain in the lower lithosphere as well as drag-induced flow in the asthenosphere. Some of the lines also show waveforms that fall within the depth range of arrivals identified as midlithospheric discontinuities (MLDs) in overlapping Sp receiver-function profiles. The reflection waveforms observed in the TA lines are mostly multicyclic with a mix of polarities indicating a layered transition, consistent with previous observations and model studies that show the breakup of single Sp waveforms into a series of less prominent, shorter-period P-wave reflections as the dominant frequency of incident energy is increased.