We collected data from the continuous Global Positioning System (cGPS) sites across the Kashmir Valley, situated at latitude 34◦N, spanning from 2008 to 2021. Inter-site velocities define a region of approximately 15,000 km2 with broadly distributed strain accumulation at −7.22×10−8 nano strain/year (compression component) and the maximum shear strain γmax of 1.9051×10−7 nano strain/year. The estimated site velocity in the ITRF14 ranges between 30.5±1–42.85±3 mm/yr. It was observed that the average deformation rate of the GPS sites in the Kashmir region ranges between 2.86±1–15.47±3 mm/yr relative to the India fixed reference frame, suggesting a predominant N-S directed compressional tectonic regime. The focal mechanism solutions of the earthquakes in and around the Kashmir Valley suggest dominant thrust faulting followed by normal faulting. Analysis of the vertical component of the GPS time series shows that the northwest segment of the valley subsides at the rate of −1.71± 0.70 mm/yr, while the southeast segment uplifts at the rate of 5.4 ± 0.5 mm/yr. In addition to vertical component, we observed differential movement of the sites relative to IISC site on the northwest and southeast segments. The rate of baseline change of the GPS sites indicates 7.30 ± 0.75 mm/yr extension in SE-NW direction and −5.32 ± 0.75 mm/yr NE-SW compression across and along the Kashmir Valley. Geodetic observations reveal a transition that aligns with the Magam lineament/fault previously identified by Ganju and Khar (1984) using gravity and magnetic data. The observation was supported by the field investigations and remote sensing techniques, confirming the existence of Magam Fault. During the field investigations, various geomorphic expressions of fault were observed, including fault ruptures, fault scarps, offset ridges, deflected drainages/rivers, linear alignment of springs, linear drainage lines, triangular facets and offset Recent sedimentary deposits (Karewas) were observed. The field evidence suggests exposure of normal faults at Kondabal, Nasrullapora, Biru and Radbugh. These exposed extensional structures, trends in NE-SW direction and dip in NW direction with varying offset and dip amount. GPS observations supplemented by geomorphic evidences infer the presence of normal fault ̴ 80 Km extending from northeast to southwest.
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