The purpose of our research is to show psychological content of the leading role of facilitative activity, to highlight these basic ideas according to the principles of facilitation and facilitative interaction. Methods of the research. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also, in our research we used empirical methods, such as a statement experiment. The results of the research. The attributive analysis of facilitation as the type of the activity allowed us not only to identify and correlate its attributes, but also to establish that this activity can be basic for teachers and students in the system of secondary educational institutions. We showed, that statements regarding the social essence of the individual, the leading role of a facilitative activity in the process of its development became the methodological basis for the separation of the principle of learning and interpersonal interaction. As a whole, they make us possible to support the processes of self-expression, self-development and self-realization of the teacher’s personality, the development of his/her unique individuality, by taking into account a complete system of interrelated concepts, ideas and ways of performing actions and activities. The basic ideas that constitute the essence of the principles of facilitation are highlighted: regarding individual freedom; regarding the person’s need for self-actualization; regarding the individuality of a person; regarding education and upbringing as facilitative prerequisites of a person in the development of individuality and personal growth; regarding psychological and pedagogical support; regarding the development of the subjective experience of a person in the process of life; regarding trust and faith in a person, his/her individuality; regarding the equal treatment of all participants in the pedagogical process. Conclusions. We proved, that ideas of facilitative interaction internalized by the teacher were directly included in his/her subjective experience and create a coherent structure of the teacher’s “Me”. In the existing traditions of the organization of learning, the subjective experience of the participants of interpersonal interaction is considered as imperfect, insignificant, burdened with random ideas, and therefore facilitative interpersonal interaction is either ignored or levelled, or artificially processed. Facilitation to a large extent implies the subjective experience of all participants in the educational process, affects the formation of different and unique personalities.
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