Previous articleNext article No AccessFeminists Interpreting the Politics of Wartime Rape: Berlin, 1945; Yugoslavia, 1992–1993Pascale R. BosPascale R. BosDepartment of Germanic StudiesUniversity of Texas at Austin Search for more articles by this author Department of Germanic StudiesUniversity of Texas at AustinPDFPDF PLUSFull Text Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Signs Volume 31, Number 4Summer 2006 Article DOI Views: 451Total views on this site Citations: 14Citations are reported from Crossref © 2006 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved.PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:Kathleen Zeidler The End of Silencing? Dealing with Sexualized Violence in the Context of the Kosovo Conflict (1998/99–2019), Comparative Southeast European Studies 70, no.22 (Jul 2022): 310–336. Benson, Theodora-Ismene Gizelis A Gendered Imperative: Does Sexual Violence Attract UN Attention in Civil Wars?, Journal of Conflict Resolution 64, no.11 (May 2019): 167–198. Sokołowska-Paryż The Truth (?) of Wartime Rape: Memory, Form, and Meaning in Helke Sander’s Liberators Take Liberties and Wojciech Tochman’s Today We’re Going to Draw Death, Violence Against Women 25, no.1313 (Sep 2019): 1594–1612. DeCarlo Female Crimes Against Humanity, (Aug 2019): 1–7. Stone The mass rapes of 1945 in contemporary memory culture: The (gender) politics of metaphor and metonymy, European Journal of Cultural Studies 21, no.66 (Jul 2017): 707–723. Krimmer German Women's Life Writing and the Holocaust, 5 (Aug 2018). Eriksson Baaz, Maria Stern , International Feminist Journal of Politics 20, no.33 ( 2018): 295. Natalya Clark Untangling Rape Causation and the Importance of the Micro Level: Elucidating the Use of Mass Rape during the Bosnian War, Ethnopolitics 16, no.44 (Apr 2016): 388–410. Meger The Fetishization of Sexual Violence in International Security, International Studies Quarterly 60, no.11 (Feb 2016): 149–159. Krimmer Philomela's Legacy: Rape, the Second World War, and the Ethics of Reading, The German Quarterly 88, no.11 (Feb 2015): 82–103. H Adler Indigènes after Indigènes : post-war France and its North African troops, European Review of History: Revue europeenne d'histoire 20, no.33 (Jun 2013): 463–478. B. Rottmann, M. M. Ferree Citizenship and Intersectionality: German Feminist Debates about Headscarf and Antidiscrimination Laws, Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 15, no.44 (Dec 2008): 481–513. Reilly Seeking gender justice in post-conflict transitions: towards a transformative women’s human rights approach, International Journal of Law in Context 3, no.22 (Sep 2007): 155–172. Herzog Partnerships and practices 1980???2010, (): 176–217.
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