Canada’s Northwest Territories (NWT) is currently the focus of significant exploration and development activity. In particular, increased global demand for oil and gas resources has resulted in an escalation in the search for hydrocarbon deposits. Canada’s north is a landscape defined by water where large numbers of pristine water bodies still exist in remote areas. Northern development activities conducted in these areas will affect these sensitive aquatic ecosystems that support important fish and fish habitat. Fishes in low productivity northern systems grow slowly and mature late, making them particularly sensitive to environmental perturbations. The fishery resources of the NWT are an integral component of our northern ecosystems, and are of significant economic and cultural importance to northern people. By necessity, linear developments constructed in the NWT, such as roads, seismic lines, and pipelines, intersect lakes, rivers, and streams. This paper discusses linear development activities and their impacts on northern fishes, with a focus on oil and gas developments. Once a target area is identified, the development of northern oil and gas reserves typically follows a predictable sequence of events: (i) construction of temporary access roads into the exploration area to conduct seismic surveys to delineate reserves; (ii) exploration well(s) are drilled to assess the potential of the deposit; (iii) if the deposit is of economic interest, then production wells are developed and gathering systems constructed, often coupled with additional transportation infrastructure; (iv) a pipeline is then built to move the hydrocarbons southward to processing facilities; and (v) after the reserve is depleted, closure of all associated infrastructure is conducted and the site is remediated. The main stressors from these activities that may impact fish and aquatic ecosystems include sediment transport to water bodies, noise and pressure impacts from the use of explosives, water withdrawal, obstructions to flow and fish passage, removal of in-stream structure and riparian vegetation, enhanced access and fisheries exploitation, and contaminant spills. These stressors can adversely affect fish directly (e.g., through direct toxicity associated with exposure to elevated contaminants) or indirectly (e.g., through habitat degradation). Such impacts on fish can vary in severity, and on temporal and spatial scales, depending on the nature and extent of the disturbance. These activities can have cumulative impacts and can be exacerbated by natural or indirect stressors, such as a changing climate or forest fires. Appropriate baseline monitoring needs to be conducted, prior to development, to allow for appropriate mitigation to be employed and sound and responsible resource management decisions to be made within an adaptive management framework.
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