The purpose of the article is to explore the content, functions, model of Internet communication based on social networks, the main directions and prospects of relevant archival practices in Ukraine. The research methodology is based on modern basic scientifi c approaches of interdisciplinary, sociocommunicative, system content and a set of general scientifi c methods, including methods of deduction, induction, modelling, abstraction, structural-system analysis, synthesis, comparative studies, etc. The general tendencies of development of network communication are investigated, its features, functions, role of social networks in a life of professional corporation, establishments on an example of profi les of archival institutions of Ukraine and abroad are defi ned, their content is analyzed, strong and weak points are pointed out, other kinds of application of information and communication technologies are offered in order to modernize the archival industry. At the same time, they used comparative, generalizing, structuralsystem methods. The object-subject sphere of research led to the application of a socio-communicative approach, which made it possible to present the archive as a complex information system. The scientifi c novelty of the study lies in the actualization of the latest trend in archival practice – communication based on social networks. Priority social networks have been identifi ed, the content of profi les has been analyzed, quantitative indicators of user audiences of accounts of archival institutions of Ukraine and foreign countries have been compared, the main types and forms of work of managers with visitors, readers of personal records have been clarifi ed. Conclusions. By «network communication» we mean a hub of data translators through Internet channels, which are characterized by high capabilities of information fl ows and the ability to accumulate huge amounts of information and its intensive exchange for the widest audience of users united by the communication platform. The main functions of network communication are information and communication. Its specifi city is the ability of the recipient to be at the same time a communicator. An important role in network communication belongs to the manager of social networks and the result is determined by the correct targeting of the audience, successful contact with users and the content that should be useful and interesting for them. Advertising, public relations, branding, crowdsourcing, crowdfunding, and other marketing technologies can become a priority for archival institutions in the areas of communication mediated by social networks. We do not consider the issue of the presence of archival institutions in social networks to be the main one, but today it is relevant and needs attention.
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