The article presents the results of a study of the prospects for the development and introduction of genetic sequencing technologies into the practice of healthcare in the Russian Federation. The research is carried out within the framework of the strategic directions of scientific and technical development of the Russian Federation, outlined in the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as well as within the framework of the development of end-to-end technologies, which are specified in the Concept of Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030. The use of genetic technologies opens up wide opportunities in various fields of medicine and makes it possible to implement the principles of personalization, personification, and predictivity of healthcare aimed at improving the quality of medical care. The purpose of the study was to investigate the market of medical services for genetic sequencing to assess trends, prospects, and directions of its development. To conduct the study, theoretical research methods, i.e. the study of literary sources on the research problem, as well as empirical methods (questionnaires) were used. The authors developed a questionnaire examining the expectations of potential consumers of the market of innovative med ical technologies, including genetic sequencing technologies. A survey included 640 respondents living in the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. (a total of 13 states). The obtained data were subjected to quantitative and qualitative processing of the material. The correlation between the age, gender of the respondents, the country of residence, the level of their education (secondary education, secondary vocational training, higher education), the field of their education (medical, pedagogi cal, engineering), and their attitudes to the prospects for the implementation of genetic health technology in the coming decades has been studied. The data obtained make it possible to study the characteristics of the target audience, which is expected to reach the peak of fertility by the time of the globalization of genetic engineering, and build a model of the future consumer of medical services of genetic sequencing. The study al lowed exploring the potential of the market for medical services of genetic sequencing. The data obtained make it possible to develop methodological approaches for studying the requests and technologies for generating demand from consumers of these medical services living in Russia, the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and members of BRICS.