Aims To evaluate the utility of unenhanced spectral imaging, electron density (ED) and overlay electron density (OED) images for assessing pulmonary embolisms in patients with suspected or confirmed acute pulmonary embolism (APE). Background Multiple spectral images can be extrapolated from spectral detector CT (SDCT), ED and OED images. ED and OED images are highly sensitive to moisture-rich tissues. Potential use for detecting pulmonary artery thrombi in non-enhanced chest CT images. Objective To assess the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of ED and OED images obtained using SDCT for the detection of pulmonary embolism on non-enhanced images. Method Seventy-nine patients who underwent unenhanced and CT pulmonary angiography using dual-layer spectral detector CT to evaluate APE between November 2021 and April 2022 were enrolled in this retrospective study. Based on unenhanced spectral and CTPA images, two radiologists identified areas of high density in the main, lobar, and segmental pulmonary arteries on ED and OED images and detected pulmonary embolism (PE) on enhanced images using a consultative approach. CTPA results were considered the gold standard. The diagnostic performance of ED and OED in detecting PE was analyzed. Results PE was detected in 40 patients (40/79), and 17, 69, and 20 PEs were detected in the main, lobar, and segmental arteries, respectively. The PE detection sensitivity on ED images was 69.7-94.7%, and the specificity was 58.5-98.2% for the individual, main, lobe, and segmental pulmonary arteries. The sensitivity and specificity for OED images were 94.1-95.2% and 80.0-98.1%, respectively. The positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) were 53.6-87.7% and 69.7-95.9% for ED images, and 48.5-88.9% and 94.1-98.9% for OED images, respectively. The accuracy was 76.0-98.9% and 87.3-96.2% when using ED and OED images, respectively. The research identified that whether main, lobar or segmental pulmonary arteries with blood clots, EDW values ranged from 108.1-108.8 %EDW, 3.9-4.2 %EDW higher than those of arteries without emboli. Pulmonary arteries with emboli standardised ED values were 103.6-104.3 %EDW. Conclusion ED and OED images using spectral CT without contrast media demonstrated high diagnostic performance and could improve the visualization of PE.
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