We prove the local connectivity of the boundaries of invariant simply connected attracting basins for a class of transcendental meromorphic maps. The maps within this class need not be geometrically finite or in class B, and the boundaries of the basins (possibly unbounded) are allowed to contain an infinite number of post-singular values, as well as the essential singularity at infinity. A basic assumption is that the unbounded parts of the basins are contained in regions which we call ‘repelling petals at infinity’, where the map exhibits a kind of ‘parabolic’ behaviour. In particular, our results apply to a wide class of Newton’s methods for transcendental entire maps. As an application, we prove the local connectivity of the Julia set of Newton’s method for sinz, providing the first non-trivial example of a locally connected Julia set of a transcendental map outside class B, with an infinite number of unbounded Fatou components.
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