We explore the dynamical behavior at and near a special class of two-dimensional quantum critical points. Each is a conformal quantum critical point (CQCP), where in the scaling limit the equal-time correlators are those of a two-dimensional conformal field theory. The critical theories include the square-lattice quantum dimer model, the quantum Lifshitz theory, and a deformed toric code model. We show that under generic perturbation the latter flows toward the ordinary Lorentz-invariant (2+1) dimensional Ising critical point, illustrating that CQCPs are generically unstable. We exploit a correspondence between the classical and quantum dynamical behavior in such systems to perform an extensive numerical study of two lines of CQCPs in a quantum eight-vertex model, or equivalently, two coupled deformed toric codes. We find that the dynamical critical exponent z remains 2 along the U(1)-symmetric quantum Lifshitz line, while it continuously varies along the line with only Z_2 symmetry. This illustrates how two CQCPs can have very different dynamical properties, despite identical equal-time ground-state correlators. Our results equally apply to the dynamics of the corresponding purely classical models.