Reasonable agreement is found between values of the first normal-stress differenceN 1 for samples of “D2”, a polyisobutylene/decalin solution, measured in steady shear flow using three different instruments: a Weissenberg Rheogoniometer (a cone-plate rotational rheometer), a Torsional Balance (plate-plate rotational) Rheometer, and a Stressmeter (a transverse-slot slit-die rheometer). Viscosity values are also in reasonable agreement. Ranges of variables common to at least two rheometers include values of shear stressσ up to 3,700 Pa and shear rate $$\dot \gamma $$ up to 20,700 s−1 near 25 °C. The agreement supports the approximate validity of the semi-empirical “HPBL equation” used to calculateN 1 from Stressmeter data over a range of shear rates up to 20,700 s−1 near 25 °C. Time-temperature superposition behavior exhibited by Stressmeter data at temperatures in the range 21 °C to 111 °C suggest that the range of validity of the Stressmeter method for determiningN 1 approximately may extend up to shear rates of 290,000 s−1 at 111 °C.
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