Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) with Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) is used to evaluate myocardial scar and differentiate cardiomyopathies. However, implanted devices cause susceptibility artefacts often rendering the images uninterpretable. We scanned 31 consecutive cases with implanted devices and substantial susceptibility artefact using a novel Wide Band LGE sequence and evaluated the clinical utility for evaluation of myocardial scar. 31 consecutive stress scans CMR clinically referred for evaluation of myocardial scar were performed on a 1.5T system (MAGNETOM Aera, Siemens Healthcare). Standard breath-held magnitude inversion recovery (Mag-LGE) images were performed 10 minutes after 1.5mg/kg gadobutrol (Gadovist). This was compared to a free-breathing motion corrected Wide Band LGE (WB-LGE) prototype sequence with 4Khz-6KHz increased bandwidth (WIP 1325, Siemens Healthineers). Level-3 expert reader blindly evaluated both sets of images in a randomized order. Image quality and diagnostic confidence were measured on a Likert rating scale from 1 (poor) to 3 (very good). 28 cases had implanted MRI conditional pacemakers or defibrillators, 2 cases with mechanical heart valves, and 1 with a shoulder implant. WideBand imaging was successful in all (100%) cases, demonstrating clinical feasibility. Image quality score for Mag-LGE was 1.033 (poor), compared to 2.866 for WB-LGE (p<0.001). In 30/31 cases (97%) the WB-LGE imaging was superior and provided diagnostic clinical information not available on standard Mag-LGE imaging, with only 1 case having persistent artefact. Wide-Band LGE imaging provide diagnostic CMR imaging of myocardial scar in cases where standard LGE imaging is poor or uninterpretable.
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