The shelter buildings of SDN 02 Sasak Ranah Pasisie and MTS Darul Hikmah Sikilang at West Pasaman were built in year 2010-2011, but until year 2021, the construction were not completed yet. To continue the construction of these shelters, the structural analysis is first carried out to know the existing condition of the buildings. The structural analysis is carried out in order to find out whether the shelter buildings is still feasible to resist the working loads. The calculation of the working loads using the new SNI 1726-2019, including tsunami loads. Data of concrete quality is taken using a hammer test and the reinforcing steel by conducting a tensile test from the reinforcement sample taken in the field. To find out the capacity of foundation, the DCP (Dutch Cone Penetrometer) testing is carried out to obtain the qc (conus) value and the depth of hard soil. Structural analysis using a computer program with a 3D building model. From structural analysis is found that all dimensions of element as well as reinforcement of flexure and shear of structural element such as columns and beams including foundation are able to resist the working loads in accordance with the new SNI 1726-2019.
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