One-way reinforced concrete joist floors with wide shallow beams (WSBs) are used widely in building construction throughout the Middle East. The short- and long-term behavior of WSBs externally strengthened with carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) reinforcement was studied on isolated beams and as part of full-scale building. This paper presents the results of the experimental investigation on the flexural performance of isolated WSBs externally strengthened with CFRP reinforcement. A total of six full-scale beams were constructed and tested to failure. The test variables were the amount, type, configuration, and the elastic modulus of CFRP reinforcement. The test results were presented in terms of deflections, ultimate capacities and modes of failure, crack width development, and strains in reinforcement and concrete. The test results showed significant improvement in the flexural performance of the strengthened beams with respect to flexural capacity, flexural stiffness, and crack width. All but one of the strengthened beams failed because of the debonding of CFRP reinforcement; however, the load carrying capacity of WSBs were more than that predicted by relevant design guidelines.
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