This study investigates the viability of using plastic oils derived from High-density polyethylene (HDPE), Polypropylene (PP), and Polystyrene (PS) as alternative fuels for diesel engines. The research focuses on comparing the physical and chemical properties, fuel lubricity, engine performance, combustion characteristics, and exhaust emissions of these plastic oils. Analysis revealed that PS exhibits different fuel properties compared to diesel, with a carbon range distribution similar to gasoline, while HDPE and PP properties closely resemble diesel fuel. To prevent potential engine damage, PS was excluded from engine tests. PP displayed the best fuel lubricity, attributed to its higher kinematic viscosity and sulphur content, reducing direct friction. Diesel followed, with PS and HDPE in decreasing order of lubricity. Diesel's lubricity was influenced by the 7% palmitic methyl ester content in the fuel. In engine tests, HDPE demonstrated BTE similar to diesel, while PP exhibited lower BTE due to combustion retardation, leading to increased energy losses and higher BSFC. The combustion characteristics, in-cylinder pressure, and heat release rate of HDPE closely resembled diesel, while PP showed significantly delayed combustion due to low oxygen content and higher kinematic viscosity. Notably, NOX emissions from PP were lower than diesel and HDPE at all engine loads due to heat losses, resulting in a low in-cylinder temperature unsuitable for NOX emission. HDPE produced higher NOX emissions than diesel at low and middle loads due to its higher H/C ratio, promoting high thermal NOX formation. HC emissions from both HDPE and PP were higher than diesel due to increased fuel supply, hindering chemical bond breakdown. Similarly, CO emissions increased for HDPE and PP due to insufficient time for complete combustion, with HDPE producing more CO due to its heavy composites and lower cetane index. Smoke emissions from both HDPE and PP surpassed diesel, attributed to lower oxygen and higher sulphur content, leading to increased sulphurate particulate matter formation, and lower fuel density referring to the high amount of fuel supplied to the engine.
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