1. 1. Migration rate of oriented plasmodia of Physarum polycephalum is determined by environmental parameters of substratum osmolarity, pH. temperature, and specific ion concentrations. 2. 2. Migration occurred between substratum osmolarities of 0–340 mOsmoles, pH values of 2.35—12.0, and temperatures of 8–37°C (optimum for our experimental conditions, 24°C). 3. 3. Except for rubidium, common metallic cations depressed migration rate over and above their concentration effect, as follows in decreasing order of effectiveness: Mg 2+, Ca 2+, Li +, Na +, K +, Rb +. 4. 4. Data obtained in these experiments are interpreted to demonstrate that the sol-gel equilibrium of the plasmodium is the major determinant of migration rate.
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