Fast power loss computation was implemented using supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) with personal computer. Logic Control Array (LCA) and EPROM circuits were used to implement SCADA system to facilitate the required measurements to obtain the daily load profile for residential and commercial customers. LCA, EPROM and PC were used to simplify the electronic circuits, reduce the cost and speed up the computation time. An illustrative example had been considered to measure, store and show the active power, reactive power, load voltage, load current, power factor and the shunt capacitors current. It as observed that when 2.7 MVAR bank capacitor inserted in the network the load current decreased from 740.8A to 688.4A and the power factor was improved from 0.80 to 0.93, which reduced the apparent power, hence allowing to add more loads to the network and release the feeder capacitor. A rule-based fuzzy decision maker had been designed and tested with the real data collected from Jordan electricity board using SCADA system. The calculated output was almost similar to that obtained from the first approach presented in this study. The advantage of using fuzzy decision maker was its simplicity that can be implemented on a programmable logic device.
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