Physical development is a complex of morphological and functional properties of the organism, which determines the ability of the organism to bear physical stress. Purpose: to determine the patterns of formation of anthropometric parameters, indicators of components of somatotype and indices of harmony of physical development of schoolchildren of secondary education institutions. Research methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature; pedagogical observation and experiment; anthropometric research methods; index method; methods of mathematical statistics. The results. During elementary school age, there is a gradual change in the structures and functions of the body. Body length in girls and boys up to 11 years of age increases more intensively than body weight. The proportions of the body change, the volume of the chest increases, that is, the body is "stretched". There is almost no clear difference between boys and girls in anthropometric indicators. Middle school age is characterized by the maximum rate of growth of the whole body and its individual parts, the build-up of the body's functional reserves. The maximum rate of growth in boys is observed at the age of 13-14 years (body length increases by 6-14 cm), and in girls – at 11-12 years (by 5-6 cm). Conclusions. More than half of school-age children have anthropometric indicators that correspond to the normative level, with a tendency to tallness and increased body weight, regardless of gender and age. More than half of the children have a mesosomatic type of physical development. Most children are characterized by harmonious physical development with a tendency to increase the number of harmoniously developed children at an older age. Prospects for further research. A comprehensive assessment of the state of physical development of school-aged children with the determination of age-sex characteristics allows to assess the functional capabilities and reserves of the child's body, and to take this into account when developing programs for physical education of schoolchildren.
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