In high-dimensional scenarios, trajectory planning is a challenging and computationally complex optimization task that requires finding the optimal trajectory within a complex domain. Metaheuristic (MH) algorithms provide a practical approach to solving this problem. The Crayfish Optimization Algorithm (COA) is an MH algorithm inspired by the biological behavior of crayfish. However, COA has limitations, including insufficient global search capability and a tendency to converge to local optima. To address these challenges, an Enhanced Crayfish Optimization Algorithm (ECOA) is proposed for robotic arm trajectory planning. The proposed ECOA incorporates multiple novel strategies, including using a tent chaotic map for population initialization to enhance diversity and replacing the traditional step size adjustment with a nonlinear perturbation factor to improve global search capability. Furthermore, an orthogonal refracted opposition-based learning strategy enhances solution quality and search efficiency by leveraging the dominant dimensional information. Additionally, performance comparisons with eight advanced algorithms on the CEC2017 test set (30-dimensional, 50-dimensional, 100-dimensional) are conducted, and the ECOA's effectiveness is validated through Wilcoxon rank-sum and Friedman mean rank tests. In practical robotic arm trajectory planning experiments, ECOA demonstrated superior performance, reducing costs by 15% compared to the best competing algorithm and 10% over the original COA, with significantly lower variability. This demonstrates improved solution quality, robustness, and convergence stability. The study successfully introduces novel population initialization and search strategies for improvement, as well as practical verification in solving the robotic arm path problem. The results confirm the potential of ECOA to address optimization challenges in various engineering applications.
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