I. The present article is concerned with the spatial structure of the field of an antenna excited in a multimode waveguide by a small group of modes with closely spaced orders. It has been shown in several papers (see, e.g., [1-3]) that adjacent modes sum in phase or, alternatively stated, interfere constructively along the geometrical-optics (GO) ray path. It is therefore reasonable to expect a mode group to be capable of generating a beam that is localized in the vicinity of a certain ray [4, 5]. An analogy exists here with free space, where a beam of finite width is formed by a set of plane waves (free-space "modes") propagating at close angles. The objective of the present study is to give an approximate analytical description of the structure of a wave beam in a plane-layered multimode waveguide. The analysis of this comparatively simple example can provide a basis for the qualitative analysis of more complex wave phenomena and aid in developing the intuition needed in order to solve problems in the control of fields in multimode waveguides.
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