The conformal fractional derivative (CFD) has become a hot research topic since it has a physical interpretation and is easier to grasp and apply to problems compared with other fractional derivatives. Its application to heat transfer, diffusion, diffusion-advection, and wave propagation problems can be found in the literature. Fractional diffusion equations have received great attention recently due to their applicability in physical, chemical, and biological processes and engineering. The diffusion of the pollutants within the ground, which is an important environmental problem, can be modeled with a diffusion equation. Diffusion in some porous materials or soil can be modeled more accurately with fractional derivatives or the conformal fractional derivative. In this study, the diffusion problem of a spilled pollutant leaking into the ground modeled with the conformal fractional time derivative in spherical coordinates has been solved analytically using the Fourier series for a constant mass flow rate and complete symmetry under the assumptions of homogeneous and isotropic soil, constant soil temperature, and constant permeability. The solutions have been simulated spatially and in time. A parametric analysis of the problem has been performed for several values of the CFD order. The simulation results are interpreted. It has also been suggested how to find the parameters of the soil to see whether the CFD can be used to model the soil or not. The approach described here can also be used for modeling pollution problems involving different boundary conditions.
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