
In this study, the idea of using a fully symmetric U-Net deep learning model for forecasting a segmented image of high global aerosol concentrations is implemented. As the forecast relies on historical data, the model used a sequence of the last eight segmented images to make the prediction. For this, the classic U-Net model was modified to use ConvLSTM2D layers with MaxPooling3D and UpSampling3D layers. In order to achieve complete symmetry, the output data are given in the form of a series of eight segmented images shifted by one image in the time sequence so that the last image actually represents the forecast of the next image of high aerosol concentrations. The proposed model structure was tuned by the new FOX metaheuristic algorithm. Based on our analysis, we found that this algorithm is suitable for tuning deep learning models considering their stochastic nature. It was also found that this algorithm spends the most time in areas close to the optimal value where there is a weaker linear correlation with the required metric and vice versa. Taking into account the characteristics of the used database, we concluded that the model is capable of generating adequate data and finding patterns in the time domain based on the ddc and dtc criteria. By comparing the achieved results of this model using the AUC-PR metric with the previous results of the ResNet3D-101 model with transfer learning, we concluded that the proposed symmetric U-Net model generates data better and is more capable of finding patterns in the time domain.

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