본 논문에서는 아시아유럽정상회담(ASEM) 교육장관회의 소속 혁신역량/기업가정신 (Innovative Competence/Entrepreneurial Skills) 실무그룹 소속 6개 회원국을 대상으로 기업가정신에 대한 교육행정가, 교사, 고용주 등 이해관계집단의 인식을 탐색적으로 분석하였다. 기업가정신은 빠른 과학기술과 통신기술의 발전으로 급격한 노동시장변화와 고용없는 성장의 추세가 진전되면서, 청소년의 미래역량으로 전세계적으로 강조되고 있는 핵심역량이다. ASEM 교육부장관회의 의제 회의 중 하나인 혁신역량/기업가정신 교육(Innovative Competence/ Entrepreneurial Skills) 실무그룹은 2014년에 결성하여 제1단계(2013-2015)에서는 시대 변화에 대응할 수 있는 핵심역량에 대한 개념적 논의를 진행하였고, 제2단계(2016-2018)에서 각국마다 혁신역량/기업가정신에 대한 인식을 실제로 살펴보는 실태조사를 실시하였다. 이 논문은 실태조사결과를 분석하여 제시한 것이다. 6개국의 다른 경제상황과 교육, 문화의 맥락에서 기업가정신에 대한 주요이해관계 집단의 인식을 살펴 본 바, 각국의 교육이해관계집단들은 공통적으로 기업가정신의 중요성을 인식하고 있었고, 특히 고용주들은 기업가정신을 더욱 중요하게 인식하고 있음을 볼 수 있었다. 그리고 이해관계자들의 중요성에 대한 인식은 강하다고 판단되나 실패에 대한 관용이나 위험이 따르는 새로운 대안 모색 등 기업가정신장려 문화나 혁신역량을 강화하는 교육이나 지원시스템은 취약한 것으로 나타났다. 조사 결과의 시사점으로 청소년들의 미래역량으로서 혁신역량/기업가정신을 함양하기 위해서는 체계적인 기업가정신 교육의 강화, 산업체와의 연계, 교사교육 강화, 실패를 허용하고 연습하는 프로그램 등을 도출하였다.Entrepreneurship is a core competence that is emphasized globally as the future capacity of young people along with the rapid change of labor market and the growth without employment growth. The Innovative Competence/ Entrepreneurial Skills Working Group, one of the agenda of the ASEM ㅡMinisters of Education, was formed in 2013, and in the first phase (2013-2015), the conceptualization of core competencies was discussed and in the second phase (2016-2018), a survey on the perception of innovative competence/ entrepreneurial skills in 6 countries was conducted. This study is based on the analysis of this survey. As a result of this study, we could find that all education interest groups such as education policy officers, teachers, employers, etc. perceived innovative competency/entrepreneurial skills are very important as the core competence to cope with changing society. However, it is recognized that the culture such as tolerance on risk taking and generosity to failure is not pervasive in each society. The lack of industry involvement in innovation competence/ entrepreneurship education was reaffirmed as in other areas of education. The survey showed that the industry is not actively involved in innovative competency/entrepreneurial skills education and that it lacks systems to support it. Therefore, it is important to have a variety of ways to encourage industry participation in the contents and delivery method of innovative competency/entrepreneurial skills education. Young entrepreneurs who have proven their innovation capability can be invited as role-models for entrepre neurship education. Risk takers and management competencies should be included and emphasized especially in content competency training. Risk-related factors can include planning and implementation of new projects, mock-ups, lectures by seniors, and performance-based tasks. In addition, since the risk-taking capacity is accumulated by learning and experiencing it repeatedly, we should provide opportunities to take various risk-taking and failure experiences starting from a young age. Teachers agree on the need for innovative competency/entrepreneurial skills education, but there is limited will or expertise to actually participate. There must be a lot of educational opportunities for teachers training and professional development. In this respect, many of the international best practices shared during Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the ASEM Working Group could be good reference cases. Based on experience in this working group, it would be helpful to build and operate a platform to share relevant knowledge and disseminate best practices. The results of this study showed that education interest groups agreed on the necessity, but the integrated efforts such as education policy area, school education, industry collaboration and cooperation were lacking. It is suggested that support system is needed for the expansion of innovative competency/entrepreneurial skills education and should support the ecosystem of entrepreneurship education including industry, school, parents, and government. Despite the differences in the educational environment, the administrative environment, and the situation of the research culture and administrative support, the survey was conducted in the same frame to discover common trends in different situations and to identify points of significant difference. However, due to financial and time limitations, it is difficult to strictly limit the size and sampling of the subjects to be surveyed. The results of this survey should be interpreted with caution and it is necessary to improve the size of the sampling and the sampling method for the future research.
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