The lifestyle of older people has attracted much interest over the last decade. As a result, 1999 was identified as the International Year of Older Persons to celebrate their achievements. This paper examines the lifestyle of older Australians with particular reference to social and health considerations. The material is based on two comprehensive research studies by the author which identify (a) six indicators of successful ageing, and (b) lifestyle variations between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians which have negative implications for the latter. While most Australians are achieving the indicators of successful ageing (security, involvement, satisfaction, autonomy, integration, and creativity) and in a sense younging longer, this is not the case among indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory, many of whom are ageing prematurely and experiencing social marginalisation. The comparative examination of the life cycle patterns between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians poses challenges for community development professionals, policy personnel, social planners, and family members.
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