Objectives: To determine the frequency of choleducholethiasis in patientswith symptomatic gall stone disease and evaluation of primary closure of common bile ductwithout T-Tube placement after open exploration as a treatment modality in its management.Study Design: Prospective (descriptive) study. Setting: Surgical Unit of Postgraduate MedicalInstitute, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar. Period: One year from 15-03-2013 to 15-03-2014. Subjects and methods: Total 0f 206 patients of symptomatic gallstones disease wereincluded in the study to find out frequency of choledcholithias and patients with common bileduct (CBD) stones were subjected to open choledochotomy and primary choledochorrhaphy,and follow up of patients was done to find out any post operative complication. Results: Atotal of 206 patients underwent open cholecystectomy during the study period. The age ofthe patients ranged from 17 to 70 years with mean of 44.24±1.23 years. Most of the patientswith symptomatic gall stones disease were female in the age range of 41-50 years. Frequencyof choledocholethiasis was 24 out of 206 constituting 11.65%. Among the patients with CBDstones 4 were male constituting 16.6% and 20 were female that is 83.33% with male to femaleratio of 1:4 respectively. Mean hospital stay of the patients in which open CBD explorationand primary repair was performed was 7.25±1.45 days. Complications developed in only 4patients constituting 16.66%. Complications were wound infection in 2 (8.33%) patients, intraabdominalpus collection in 1 (4.16%) patient and bile leak in 1 (4.16%). One patient lost fromfollow up. In none of the patients retained CBD stones and stricture observed. Conclusions:There should be low