There was no Community energy policy until the oil crisis 1973-1974 caused by the quadrupling of oil prices by the OPEC countries which found the Community in disarray. In response the Commission issued a Memorandum recommending a strategy consisting in a reduction of the Community dependence on imported oil by energy saving, development of nuclear energy, stabilization of the solid fuels and greater security of supply. This broad strategy is further reflected in the Commission communication on "Energy Objectives for 1990 and Convergence of Policies of Member States•1 and on 'Energy and Economic Policy"2, the latter being concerned mainly with pricing policy. The Member States have to submit to the Commission their annual energy programmes which the Commission reports to the Council with its comments and recommendations. In brief, the Community policy is one of co-ordination rather than legislation. The Community energy strategy consists of the promotion of energy technology, energy efficiency and linking of energy with the protection of the environment.
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