Let \(G\) be a semi-simple simply connected group over \(\mathbb {C}\). Following Gerasimov et al. (Comm Math Phys 294:97–119, 2010) we use the \(q\)-Toda integrable system obtained by quantum group version of the Kostant–Whittaker reduction (cf. Etingof in Am Math Soc Trans Ser 2:9–25, 1999, Sevostyanov in Commun Math Phys 204:1–16, 1999) to define the notion of \(q\)-Whittaker functions \(\varPsi _{\check{\lambda }}(q,z)\). This is a family of invariant polynomials on the maximal torus \(T\subset G\) (here \(z\in T\)) depending on a dominant weight \(\check{\lambda }\) of \(G\) whose coefficients are rational functions in a variable \(q\in \mathbb {C}^*\). For a conjecturally the same (but a priori different) definition of the \(q\)-Toda system these functions were studied by Ion (Duke Math J 116:1–16, 2003) and by Cherednik (Int Math Res Notices 20:3793–3842, 2009) [we shall denote the \(q\)-Whittaker functions from Cherednik (Int Math Res Notices 20:3793–3842, 2009) by \(\varPsi '_{\check{\lambda }}(q,z)\)]. For \(G=SL(N)\) these functions were extensively studied in Gerasimov et al. (Comm Math Phys 294:97–119, 2010; Comm Math Phys 294:121–143, 2010; Lett Math Phys 97:1–24, 2011). We show that when \(G\) is simply laced, the function \(\hat{\varPsi }_{\check{\lambda }}(q,z)=\varPsi _{\check{\lambda }}(q,z)\cdot {\prod \nolimits _{i\in I}\prod \nolimits _{r=1}^{\langle \alpha _i,\check{\uplambda }\rangle }(1-q^r)}\) (here \(I\) denotes the set of vertices of the Dynkin diagram of \(G\)) is equal to the character of a certain finite-dimensional \(G[[{\mathsf {t}}]]\rtimes \mathbb {C}^*\)-module \(D(\check{\lambda })\) (the Demazure module). When \(G\) is not simply laced a twisted version of the above statement holds. This result is known for \(\varPsi _{\check{\lambda }}\) replaced by \(\varPsi '_{\check{\lambda }}\) (cf. Sanderson in J Algebraic Combin 11:269–275, 2000 and Ion in Duke Math J 116:1–16, 2003); however our proofs are algebro-geometric [and rely on our previous work (Braverman, Finkelberg in Semi-infinite Schubert varieties and quantum \(K\)-theory of flag manifolds, arXiv/1111.2266, 2011)] and thus they are completely different from Sanderson (J Algebraic Combin 11:269–275, 2000) and Ion (Duke Math J 116:1–16, 2003) [in particular, we give an apparently new algebro-geometric interpretation of the modules \(D(\check{\lambda })]\).
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