ABSTRACT Hanna-Barbera's Superheroes Universe – also known as Hanna Barbera's World of Super Adventure – is a joint name for a series of animated short features produced by the famous Hanna-Barbera Productions between the 1960s and 1980s. Originally, it included characters such as Birdman and the Galaxy Trio or The Impossibles – all of them presented as a syndicated line of cartoons shown in American networks. It is not difficult to define Hanna Barbera's heroes as a straight response to the rebirth of superheroes narratives in the 1960s, with its main idea of a shared universe concept. Nevertheless, the whole World of Super Adventure line presents a very interesting case for analyzing the superhero paradigm as it moved beyond the basic comic book medium. A proper analytical insight will require three components of Hanna-Barbera's superhero construct: 1. The cartoons themselves and their visual/narrative specifics emulating Marvel/DC patterns; 2. The Gold Key Comics adaptations/expansions of the Hanna-Barbera cartoons, namely Super TV Heroes magazine, as a part of Hanna-Barbera's primal paratextual/transmedia system; 3. The modern comic book series—Future Quest—as a revival of Hanna-Barbera's superheroes in a universe-dedicated and much more serious approach that brings back the heroes to their initial, graphic storytelling form.
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