An apportioned pareto genetic algorithm was used to manipulate a solid rocket design code, an aerodynamic designcode,andathree-loopautopilottoproduceguidedmissileinterceptordesignscapableofaccuratelyengaging a high-speed/high-altitude target. Dee nition of the optimization problem required 29 design variables, and 4 primary goals were established to assess the performance of the interceptor designs. Design goals included the following: minimize miss distance, minimize intercept time, minimize takeoff weight, and minimize maximum g loading. In 50 generations, the genetic algorithm was able to develop 2 basic types of external aerodynamic designs that performed nearlythe same, with miss distances less than 1.0ft. The solid rocket motors that propelled these external shapes shared common characteristics such as a large initial burning area and a large combustion chambervolume. Thegeneticalgorithmdid not prefermaximizing theamount offuel within therocket motorcase (high fuel volume ratio). A higher fuel volume ratiotypicallymeans higher launch weight, but does not necessarily guarantee faster intercepts given enite thermal limits. Examination of the intercept trajectories themselves shows that standard proportional navigation guidance works adequately, but could probably be improved by thrust compensation,especiallyduringthelaunchtransient.Thethree-loopautopilotperformswellevenforhigh-altitude engagements, and the analytic gain determination makes the autopilot straightforward to implement.
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