Previous articleNext article No AccessStudies on the Excystment of Colpoda cucullusH. Albert Barker and C. V. TaylorH. Albert Barker Search for more articles by this author and C. V. Taylor Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Volume 6, Number 2Apr., 1933 Article DOI Views: 1Total views on this site Citations: 16Citations are reported from Crossref Journal History This article was published in Physiological Zoology (1928-1998), which is continued by Physiological and Biochemical Zoology (1999-present). PDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:John R. Bracht, Emily M. Ferraro, Kathryn A. Bracht How Do Cysts Know When to Hatch? The Role of Ecological Communication in Awakening Latent Life, (May 2016): 97–119. Funadani, Yasutaka Suetomo, Tatsuomi Matsuoka Emergence of the Terrestrial Ciliate Colpoda cucullus from a Resting Cyst: Rupture of the Cyst Wall by Active Expansion of an Excystment Vacuole, Microbes and Environments 28, no.11 (Jan 2013): 149–152. E. FINLEY, AMOS C. LEWIS Observations on Excystment and Encystment of Vorticella microstoma *, The Journal of Protozoology 7, no.44 (Apr 2007): 347–351. Franceschi Primo studio per la induzione di coniugazione in Colpoda cucullus, Bolletino di zoologia 25, no.1-41-4 (Jan 1958): 23–34. Josephine Bridgman Studies on Dried Cysts of Tillina magna*, The Journal of Protozoology 4, no.11 (Apr 2007): 17–19. B. JEFFRIES Studies on Excystment in the Hypotrichous Ciliate Pleurotricha lanceolata *, The Journal of Protozoology 3, no.33 (Apr 2007): 136–144. Josephine Bridgman Studies on some aspects of cystment in the ciliate Tillina magna, Journal of Experimental Zoology 108, no.11 (Jun 1948): 21–44. G. R. Strickland, A. J. Haagen-Smit Chemical substances inducing excystment of the resting cysts of Colpoda duodenaria, Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 30, no.33 (Dec 1947): 381–390. Dale Beers Excystment in Didinium nasutum, with special reference to the role of bacteria, Journal of Experimental Zoology 103, no.22 (Nov 1946): 201–231. P. Hall Growth-Factors for Protozoa, (Jan 1943): 249–268. N. Prater, A. J. Haagen-Smit The excystment of protozoa. Isolation of crystalline excystment factors for colpoda duodenaria, Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 15, no.11 (Feb 1940): 95–101. W. H. Johnson , and F. R. Evans Environmental Factors Affecting Cystment in Woodruffia metabolica, Physiological Zoology 13, no.11 (Sep 2015): 102–121. J. Haagen-Smit, Kenneth V. Thimann The excystment of Colpoda cucullus. I. The chemical nature of the excysting factors in hay infusion, Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology 11, no.33 (Jun 1938): 389–407. C. V. Taylor , and A. G. R. Strickland Effects of High Vacua and Extreme Temperatures on Cysts of Colpoda cucullus, Physiological Zoology 9, no.11 (Sep 2015): 15–26. Albert Barker The culture and physiology of the marine dinoflagellates, Archiv f�r Mikrobiologie 6, no.1-51-5 (Jan 1935): 157–181. V. Thimann, H. Albert Barker Studies on the excystment of Colpoda cucullus. II. The action of the excystment inducing substance, Journal of Experimental Zoology 69, no.11 (Oct 1934): 37–57.
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