This paper investigates whether different task difficulties, color complexity, and choice of instructional application mode affect cognitive load, usability, visual discomfort, and job performance in subway overhaul training tasks and compares the findings under AR learning modes with those under traditional paper-based learning manuals. This study had sixteen participants and used eight experimental conditions. Tests were completed for environmental color complexity, task difficulty, and instructional application mode. The experimental variables were analyzed using three-way analysis of variance. The results showed that the color complexity of the carriage environment did not affect the participants’ cognitive load and performance, but the use of AR glasses in subway maintenance was influenced by task difficulty and instructional application mode. For example, the AR image format reduced task completion time by an average of 25.9% for easy tasks, while the AR real-time format reduced head deflections by an average of 83.9%, suggesting that there is reliable potential for applying AR to subway overhaul training. This paper can provide a theoretical basis for developing training strategies for the different environments and tasks difficulties of subway maintenance.
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