A comprehensive research work on High Performance C ement Concrete (HPCC) pavements is being conducted at Bangalore University. As a part of the study static flexural strengths are determined for Conventional Concrete (CC), Silica Fume Concrete (SFC), High Volume Fly Ash Concrete (HVFAC), Fiber Reinforced Concrete (FRC), and Fiber Reinforced Hig h Volume Fly Ash Concrete (FRHVFAC) using third point loading in the laboratory. Laboratory fatigue teats were also car ried out on HPCC beam specimens and number of repetitions to failure dete rmined. Using the results fatigue models and stress charts were developed and slab thicknesses of the HPCCs designed. In this paper an attempt is made to analyze the HPCC pavements usin g a 2-D Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software - KENPAVE. The critical fle xural stresses obtained using the FEA software are compared with stresses obtained from the experimental study. The design li fe of the HPCC pavements is also analyzed using the FEA software. The variation in flexural stresses as obtained from FEA software when compared with actual flexural stresses ranges from 5 to 6 %. Damage analysis using FEA software shows that predicted de sign life obtained ranges from 1 to 12 % for variou s HPCCs. The 12 % variation is for Fiber Reinforced HPCCs indicating that the d esign life of fiber reinforced HPCCs are more.