Abstract A Clothing Department is a major fields of specialized vocational high schools. Specialized high schoolswith clothing related departments are located in Seoul (4 schools), Busan (2), Incheon (3), Daejeon (1), Ulsan(1), Kangwondo (1), Kyungkido (1), Kyungsangbukdo (1) and Chungcheongbukdo (1). In these 15 speciali-zed high schools, 92 classes of clothing departments are run by 72 clothing teachers with 2,459 students en-rolled. The range of object of this study is 15 clothing related departments of specialized high schools andtheir titles are department of Fashion Design, Clothing Design, Clothing Art, Multi Fashion Design, FashionTextile Design, and Global Design. They were investigated by literature from previous research and educa-tion statistics from the Korean Educational Development Institute (KEDI). Websites such as ‘School Infor-mation’, ‘portal site of Specialized High School’, ‘Ministry of Education-Education Statistics and Informa-tion’ were also searched. The homepages of specialized high schools with clothing department were also in-vestigated respectively. In this study, current scale, employment rate of graduates, major courses, scale of tea-chers of clothing major of clothing department of specialized high school were analyzed. In 2015, employ-ment rate and college enrollment rate of vocational high schools were 46.6% and 36.6% respectively, whereasemployment rate and college enrollment rate of clothing departments four specialized High Schools were39.9% and 45.8% respectively. The number of major courses of clothing departments are 12-15, and themain subjects of the curriculum were Fashion Design, Construction of Western Clothing, Construction ofKorean Clothing, Textile Materials and Mangement and Computer Graphics. Major courses consist of 90-108 weekly lesson-hours for 6 semesters. Thanks to government projects to encourage specialized high sch-ools, the educational environment has improved in areas of practice room equipment, industry connections,field training, internship, and scholarship funds. However, despite government projects to encourage educa-tion at specialized high schools, there is a need for a more flexible education system to enhance student cre-ativity at specialized high schools.Key words: Vocational high schools, Clothing department, Ratio of employment, Curriculum, Major co-urses; 특성화 고등학교, 의상과, 취업률, 교육과정, 전문교과
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