The scattering of a plane electromagnetic wave with normal incidence from a cold homogeneous anisotropic plasma cylinder was studied in part I. Comparison with experiments made with a plasma obtained in the positive column of a mercury discharge tube showed that these anisotropic effects were not important enough to explain the reflection behaviour.Because of the drift of the plasma along the axis, there is a magnetically induced asymmetrical inhomogeneity when the static magnetic field B0 lies in the cross-section of the cylinder. The solution of the problem of the inhomogeneity effects is purely TE as no coupling between TE and TM modes is introduced by the inhomogeneity. It is characteristic that the different angular modes (n = l, n = 2, n = 3, etc.) are coupled through the inhomogeneity. The magnetic field enhances thus the quadrupolar, hexapolar, etc. effects, in agreement with the experimental data. The inhomogeneity effects suffice to explain the experimental results obtained in reflection (TE mode); the experimental and theoretical electron density ratios corresponding to the first three (n = 1, 2 and 3) observable “cold plasma” peaks are in very striking agreement. As all the n angular modes are coupled, the chain is broken off in the theoretical computations by neglecting the coefficients of a given order n; this is satisfactory as these coefficients tend to zero when n tends to infinity.
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