Institut fu¨r Werkstoffwissenschaft, Technische Universita¨t Dresden, Hallwachsstrasse 3, D-01062Dresden, Germany(Received June 8, 2000)(Accepted June 20, 2000)Keywords: Multilayers; Alloys; Annealing; Thermal stability; Computer simulationIntroductionNanoscale metallic multilayers possess outstanding physical properties for various promising applica-tions. In order to optimize these properties, as-deposited multilayers are often thermally treated atelevated temperatures. A thermal loading of multilayers can also occur under processing and operatingconditions. The present paper addresses the question of the thermal stability of A/B layer stacks withthin individual layers of only a few atomic layers. The components A and B are supposed to beimmiscible. Nanoscale Co/Cu multilayers, exhibiting the giant magnetoresistance, are a typical exam-ple. Because of the small lattice misfit of about 2%, the fcc-Co layers and the Cu layers are coherent.As a first step to the understanding of the thermal decomposition of such multilayer films, weconsidered a coherent A/B layer stack with B-layer thickness of 4 to 6 monolayers (ML) andconsiderably thicker A-layers. To investigate the thermally activated rearrangements of atoms in thisstructure, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been performed. As initial state, an A/B layer stack withideally planar A/B interfaces was assumed. This assumption has most relevance to single crystalsuperlattices, but also to polycrystalline multilayers with lateral grain size which is large compared tothe multilayer period. The aim of the simulations was to elucidate the initiation mechanism of thethermally induced layer decomposition as well as the subsequent development of the phase morphol-ogy.Monte Carlo AlgorithmThe present simulations were performed on a fcc lattice occupied by A- and B-atoms as well as onevacancy. The chemical binding between atoms has been described by nearest neighbor pair interactionse
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