Reported radiometric measurements indicate that incoherent and coherent radiative transfer processes characterize the microwave emission features of layered irregular and inhomogeneous medium. In order to develop a forward emission model to be capable of considering the medium and boundary scattering and coherent boundary interaction that may exist in general layered medium, in this paper, we present a comprehensive layer emission model (CLEM) based on the scattering operator formulation. We introduce wave-based coherent multiple reflection operators to account for coherent boundary interaction and first integrate them with the intensity-based multiple scattering processes, allowing the comprehensive description of rough boundary scattering, volume scattering, medium/boundary interaction, and coherent boundary interaction in the framework of CLEM. Simulations and analyses for ice- and snow-covered ground cases are conducted based on CLEM to evaluate the coherent boundary interaction and different impacting factors. Validation on CLEM is conducted with emission observations of snow-covered terrain in campaign Nordic Snow Radar Experiment (NoSREx) 2010-2013 during dry snow period and time series emission observations of frozen soil during freezing and thawing processes. CLEM simulation results show good agreement with measurements. For NoSREx, RMSEs at L-to Ka-band are below 5.5 K for both polarizations, which are of different levels of promotion compared with the incoherent model simulations, especially for horizontal polarization at L- and X-band. Application to frozen soil case illustrates the capability of CLEM to explain coherent oscillation feature with impact from incoherent scattering effect.
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